Thursday, July 25, 2013

TED to me

TED inspires and encourages my soul.  As an artist, I like being challenged by seeing creatives pushing the envelope, promoting innovation.  Here's a little TED playlist for me this week.
The interspecies internet? An idea in progress...

Kate Stone: DJ decks made of paper.
Cloudy with a chance of joy

When I started watching this one, I have to admit I was a little dismissive..."oh great a feel-good talk about cloud spotting".  But I watched it through and I have to say, I was inspired.  Living mindfully, in the moment and doing nothing is such a simple yet alien idea to us.  But we need it.  We need to stop thinking sometimes.  Stop worrying, stressing, doing, and being "perpetually busy".

Doing nothing is good for our ideas and creativity.  So so true.  "Keep looking up and keep living with your head in the clouds".  Inspiration for those of us feeling a bit- or maybe a lot bogged down by the everyday.  Then see what comes from such a state of mind.  Limitless possibilities. 

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