Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sliding House - Suffolk U.K.

The Sliding House was designed by London architects dRMM, built in Suffolk, U.K. The exterior shell slides on rails over the glass house and guest house. This design allows for variable degrees of privacy and sunlight along the axis. The shell also provides shelter for the pool to be added down the road at the end of the axis.

I was initially hesitant with the general design of the simple "house" motif. But I am taken by the simplicity in design and its flexibility to allow the user to control the design based on varying desires- whether that be degrees of privacy, weather, or even mood. Modern-chic. There are some great spaces created; my fav is the rooftop bath. I could just see myself laying out on the deck here, sitting in the bath on a nippy fall evening. Lovely.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Korean in the mainstream?

Something I've noticed lately is a lot of Korean food and culture being brought to the forefront of media today. I mean, let's face it (not that it's a contest or anything), Japanese culture has long dominated people's imaginations. But the other day I was watching- yes one of my guilty pleasures lately- Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern. They did a feature on South Korean foods. It was quite entertaining actually, and I'm glad he seemed to like a lot our foods. Take a look at the episode and article. Seoul is fast-becoming a robust metropolitan city in respect to the arts and architecture as it has long been rich with culture and foods.

Anyways, again I found myself reading a feature about South Korea on Wallpaper. Here's a cool slideshow from the article. Case and point: It seems Korea is the new up-and-coming culture that westerners are paying more attention to these days. Oh yes! don't forget all the Korean fusion food trucks that are making their way around the L.A. area these days; like Kogi. Kogi's enticing menu features such items as "Kimchi Shortrib Caesar Melt" and "Shortrib Tacos/ Burritos". Mmmmm!

In any case, it's exciting to see people getting excited about Korea. Being of Korean descent, but never having been to Korea as an adult, I can only appreciate this burst of enthusiasm with everyone else. Someday I will be able to enjoy Korea in person. Until then bring on the Kogi trucks and travel blogs. :)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

La Carmina!

I'm sure you're all aware of the J-pop scene/ culture in Japan: i.e. the crazy Japanese fashion scene- the best way I can explain it is "out there". It's a mix of goth, hello kitty, cutsie, weird, costumey and goofy. Take a look at La Carmina's blog. Entertaining to say the least. I was intrigued by her book Crazy Wacky Theme Restaurants: Tokyo. I never knew these things existed the way they do in Tokyo. It's like Halloween everyday of the year! It is my dream to someday experience Tokyo and I will definitely hit these restaurants up, for sure. Check out the book and explore the world of crazy cooky theme restaurants in Tokyo!

Cute flowers!

Love these flower arrangements. A delicious way to share some love with someone special. I am all about "just because" gifts. What better way than flowers a la cupcake!